Tsung-Yi Lin

I am a fourth year PhD student at Cornell NYC Tech working with Serge Belongie and James Hays . Before I came to NYC, I spent two wonderful years at UCSD. My research interests are in Computer Vision, particularly in learning representations for cross-view image matching.

Luckily, I had great opportunity to intern at Microsoft Research with Larry Zitnick and Piotr Dollár on building Microsoft COCO dataset for object detection and image captioning.



Microsoft COCO: Common Object In Context
Tsung-Yi Lin, Michael Maire, Serge Belongie, James Hays, Pietro Perona, Deva Ramanan, Piotr Dollár, and C. Lawrence Zitnick
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014
Cross-view Image Geolocalization
Tsung-Yi Lin, Serge Belongie, James Hays
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013