Publications and Research

Benjamin Laxton, Kai Wang, and Stefan Savage
Reconsidering Physical Key Secrecy: Teleduplication via Optical Decoding. [pdf] [webpage]
ACM CCS 2008, Alexandria, VA, October 2008.

Benjamin Laxton, Jongwoo Lim and David Kriegman
Leveraging temporal, contextual and ordering constraints for recognizing complex activities in video. [pdf], [webpage]
CVPR 2007, Minneapolis, MN, pp.1-8.

Benjamin Laxton, Ming-Hsuan Yang and David Kriegman
Human Detection and Pose Estimation. [webpage]
Pending publication, 2005-2007.

Benjamin Laxton
'Pictionary attacks' on graphical passwords and ways to avoid them. [webpage]
Pending publication, 2007.

Benjamin Laxton
Monocular Human Pose Estimation. [pdf]
University of California, San Diego, Research Examination for the MS degree, 2007.

Yongxing Hao, Benjamin Laxton, Sunil Agrawal, Edward Lee and Eric Benson
Planning and control of UGV formations in a dynamic environment: a practical framework with experiments. [pdf]
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1209-1214, 2003.

Yongxing Hao, Benjamin Laxton, Eric Benson and Sunil Agrawal
Robotic simulations of the docking and path following of an autonomous small grain harvesting system. [pdf]
In ASAE Annual International Meeting, ASAE Paper No.033109, 2003.

Yongxing Hao, Benjamin Laxton, Eric Benson and Sunil Agrawal
Differential flatness-based formation following of a simulated autonomous small grain harvesting system. [pdf]
In Transactions of the ASAE Vol 47(3): 933-941, 2004.